Lawn Care, Seasonal Cleanups, Organic Fertilizing, Overseeding
207 Lawn Care Is Family Owned Serving Biddeford, Saco, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Wells, Sanford, Lyman, Buxton, Scarborough Maine 41 Years
We at 207 Lawn Care have served the needs of discerning customers since 1984! So; this fact gives us a competitive edge in the lawn care business. We ask that you don’t just take our word for it, but that you give our lawn care services a try for a season. Additionally; the owners are on the job. Therefore; in a climate of impersonal service, we stand out nicely indeed.
At 207 Lawn Care Of Biddeford and Saco Maine – Our Focus is Lawns
In case you haven’t noticed there is now an overabundance of service providers to choose from in this business. However; we’ve found that our customers prefer quality reasonably priced, over inferior service and low-ball priced work. Also; at 207 Lawn Care, our focus is lawns, it’s just that simple. Moreover; If you don’t see services you need listed at 207 Lawn Care please see our P.C.U. division by clicking [HERE]
Yes; our primary focus is beautifying lawns. And providing over 41 years of hands-on experience achieves that! In fact; your yard is our best advertisement! Therefore; we have a vested interest in providing you with quality service. Grounds maintained by 207 Lawn Care in Biddeford Saco Maine are often the envy of the neighborhood. So; we would appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
At 207 Lawn Care Of Biddeford Saco Maine, Professional Equipment is Key
We carefully select the commercial-grade equipment because the heavy-duty state-of-the-art design is key to providing our customers with the efficiency and reliability they need and deserve.
We at 207 Lawn Care in Biddeford Saco Maine kindly ask that you call us early. This is simply because we get busy rather quickly as we near each season. Moreover; we want to ensure that service to you the customer is as seamless as possible. An extreme example of this is calling us when the grass is knee-high, which makes it needlessly difficult and costly to serve you. Also; contrary to some beliefs, cutting a season’s worth of tall grass in one cut doesn’t necessarily save money.
Call (207) 499-2617 or (207) 205-7469
Please Note: We Do Not send nor do we receive Text messages
Ask Yourself The Following
- Is your yard so bad that it’s earned the name “Desert Of Maine” and become a tourist attraction?
- Do your neighbors congregate on the sidewalk facing your lawn pointing at it with sneers and snickers?
- Are dogs naturally attracted to your property for relief?
- Have cats adopted your landscape as their favorite neighborhood litter box?
- Did the park service identify your jungle as a protected habitat because of its strange and unique plants and creepy crawlers?
- Has the warden service requested the use of your landscape for wildlife conservation?
- Has your property ever been on the news due to landings of strange space crafts?
- Have you ever awakened to discover a sign placed on your lawn with the words – “New Town Dump Here?”
- Ever been approached by a traveling circus and asked for permission to set up tents for three weeks?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s urgent that you call 207 Lawn Care Today!
207 Lawn Care in Biddeford Saco Maine serves many communities. Therefore; Please take a moment to review the above list. Furthermore; if your locality isn’t listed feel free to call us anyways. Because perhaps you are located on the outskirts of our service area.
Call (207) 499-2617 or (207) 205-7469
Friendly Reminder: We Do Not Send or Receive Text Messages