Fertilizer 207 Lawn Care

Lawn Fertilizing

Fertilizing 207 Lawn Care 40 Years Greening Southern Maine!

207 Lawn Care Fertilizing The lawns of Biddeford, Saco, Buxton, Sanford, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Wells, and Scarborough Maine Since 1984!

Lawn food is vital to building a healthy vibrant lawn. Similarly; like all living things, grass requires nourishment to survive and thrive. But; not all fertilizers are created equal. And it’s vital to select fertilizers that nourish grass while building and maintaining healthy soil.

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Quality Lawn Fertilizing By 207 Lawn Care Doesn’t Cost, It Pays 

Unfortunately, everything we purchase is rising in cost with no end in sight. And fertilizer used by 207 Lawn Care is no exception. Unfortunately; the mistake we often make is to choose the cheap way out. Yes, straight chemical fertilizers and most especially herbicides and pesticides will usually give your lawn a boost. But the soil will be deficient in the long term. Furthermore; chemical weed and feed fertilizers and insect control are very harsh to the earth. Moreover; these products will even kill natural life in the soil.

Friendly Critters Reside In The Soil 

Healthy soil is full of life that assists a healthy lawn. But; regular use of chemical fertilizers harms this. Also; harsh chemicals result in death to the land eventually. When this occurs, your grass is dependent upon the poisonous chemical cocktail it is fed. This is because the soil at some point cannot sustain healthy plant growth.

Cheap Fertilizer Use Is Shortsighted

When we drink soda pop, we experience a sugar high. And most of us will also experience a crash when the sugar effect wears off. But; if we consume that soda on a regular basis, we could become dependent upon its consumption. Certainly;  dependence on the addictive substance would affect our health over time Similarly; the grass is a living thing reacting when exposed to human-engineered nutrition and foreign elements.

Saving Money Bypassing Healthier Fertilizers Isn’t Wise

 Courtesy For Our Health and Environment

Having a perfect weed-free lawn comes at a very high price. For; what good is the bragging rights of being weed-free if consumer choices cause harm? Some say; we have a right to purchase the chemical cocktail. So; what about being responsible to those beyond the boundaries of our property?

     Chemical Cocktails Not Worth The Price

  • Some healthier fertilizer choices will over time lessen and even possibly reverse the harm we’re creating.

  • We should explore natural products and methods that produce results.

207 Lawn Care can help you build a beautiful, healthy lawn

Creating healthy turf takes time, commitment, and patience. But results over time speak for themselves,

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 207 Lawn Care – 40 Years Of Service For You

(207) 499-2617   (207) 205-7469

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