Lawn Renovation

Lawn Renovation

Lawn Renovation Southern Maine Building Healthy Lawns 41 Years!

Lawn Renovation Southern Maine – Beautifying Lawns in Biddeford, Saco, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Wells, Buxton, and Scarborough Maine.

If you want an optimum landscape, lawn renovation in Southern Maine is a great option. Since the average lawn consumes the most area it makes sense to optimize this feature. Moreover; we at 207 Lawn Care are always gratified when improving our customer’s surroundings. Certainly; having a beautiful yard isn’t reserved for the affluent any longer. Yes; a striking yard is accessible to anyone willing to commit. So; building the lawn of your dreams is within reach for lawn enthusiasts In Southern Maine.

Please Note:  This service is reserved for contracted season grass-cutting customers only. Sorry, No Acceptions.

We at 207 Lawn Care won’t say we’ll wave a wand and voila instant lawn! Moreover; we don’t throw seed on your lawn and say, see you later either. Consumers often cease achieving success in their yard because they do it themselves. Additionally; many do nothing at all until the condition of the lawn deteriorates. Furthermore; It’s a rare occurrence for a do-it-yourself homeowner to achieve lasting success. Saving a dollar is shortsighted when initially paying twice to improve a lawn. And when the turf is struggling, there’s often a chemical cocktail and/or poor soil involved.

Lawn Renovation In Southern Maine – Don’t Be Deceived

The appearance of a healthy lawn doesn’t necessarily mean that what you see before you are healthy! The fact is; Madison Avenue branding tactics have brainwashed us into believing that instant gratification is king. Furthermore; there’s no wisdom applied when lawn care procedures focus on instant success. Certainly; short-term eye appeal at the expense of long-term failure is foolhardy. Yes, immediate gratification means just that! It is unfortunate that customers often get disgruntled when their lawn doesn’t instantly compare with their neighbors. It’s important to remember that the lawn’s surface appearance can be deceiving. It is what is happening beneath the surface that matters most for the long term.

Certainly; Your neighbors chemical-fed grass may cause you to envy. But if you knew what was happening to the soil, you would be wiser for it. Frequently; our culture has deceived us. Yes, tricked us into thinking if it’s not instant it’s a waste of money. We want it now, it better be cheap and beautiful – Right?!  So; 207 Lawn Care does not aspire to this foolhardy approach.

See our grass cutting page [HERE]

Nature Has Its Own Timetable

We at 207 approach lawn renovation in a natural progressive manner. Furthermore; chemically abusing a lawn has its limits. And it may take time to reverse the damage done to the soil. If you have too little topsoil, we can build it up gradually, improving your lawn over time.

Commitment Is Key For Lawn Renovation

Lawn renovation in Southern Maine is not much different than any other worthwhile commitment. For example; if we as consumers buy a car and don’t make our payment – the bank sends a tow truck. Or if we don’t pay our rent – we get an eviction notice. In other words; failure to act has its repercussions. Maintaining your lawn and landscape has its rewards, but consistency is key. And if your soil is poisoned and allowed to decline – well, you get the picture!


 Not responsible for uncontrolled laughter from reading this page 

Ask Yourself

  • Does your lawn cry at night, (due to lack of care) waking up your neighbors?
  • Have local airplane pilots knocked on your door asking to use your lawn as a landing strip?
  • Is your turf so bad that applying lawn chemicals now creates an explosive reaction?
  • Has the owner of the local junkyard asked you if he can use your yard as an annex?
  • Are lawn rodents knocking on your door asking if they can move due to poor living conditions?
  • Has pest management conducted experiments on your lawn to study unusual creatures residing there?
  • What about Elvin and the Chipmunks? Have they knocked on your door demanding improved conditions for relatives?
  • Has Bambi run through your picture window handing you a slum lord of the year award?

Looking for grounds maintenance services not offered at 207 Lawn Care? Please [CLICK HERE]

Please Note:  This service is reserved for contracted season grass-cutting customers only. Sorry, No Acceptions.

Call: (207) 499-2617 or (207) 205-7469

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